Killed enemies will leave puddles of slowing honey. This poison goo cannot harm other enemies. Killed enemies will leave puddles of poison goo. Killing charmed enemies will spawn friendly Bullats. The amount of Bullats spawned scales with enemy HP. Killed enemies will create 0-3 random Bullats. The Holey Water item will prevent cursed floors from appearing. Once More Into the Breach adds a system of cursed floors, in which a regular floor may be augmented by a difficult modifier.Įvery level of Curse the player has increases the chance of encountering a 'cursed floor' by 6.66%. This chance is raised to 1% for the Robot. Has a 0.5% chance to give a Super Space Turtle on use. The Robot gains 4 turtles per use instead of 2. These turtles can die, but have 3 times as much health as the turtlesįrom the item. Gives 2 temporary bullet blocking turtle companions like the ones from Turtle Problem. Once More Into The Breach adds a multitude of new shrines that can appear in the Gungeon, each with their own unique costs and effects.Ĭosts half a heart (1 Armour as Robot) to use. The amounts are 3-6 for a Half Heart, and 5-11 for a Full Heart.The Shade cannot pick up hearts, but walking over them will destroy them and spawn.The Shade can still safely take and deposit the Old Crest to reach the Abbey of The True Gun.The Shade gains a permanent +2.5% damage bonus for every piece of armour he picks up, even though this armour does not go into his health.Viscerifle has a special projectile for being fired this way. The Shade can fire the Viscerifle for free. The Shade gains +2% damage increase upon picking up a half heart, and a +4% damage increase upon picking up a full heart. The Shade gains a permanent +5% damage upon picking up armour, instead of the usual 2.5%. Not all items are included, but many are. The Shade has several synergies with certain items that would otherwise be useless for him. Thanks to his passive item, he starts with piercing shots, slower enemy bullets, flight, and complete immunity to all status effects including fire, poison, and electricity. The Shade is a challenging character with only one hit that he can take before dying. Once more into the Breach adds one new character, with more characters planned for future updates. For a list of Items in Once More Into the Breach, visit Modding/Once More Into The Breach/Items.įor a list of weapons in Once More Into the Breach, visit Modding/Once More Into The Breach/Guns.įor a list of Synergies in Once More Into the Breach, visit Modding/Once More Into The Breach/Synergies.