Princess: Princess: Anti air swarm card and great for chip damage. Also perfect for taking out swarms and poorly placed goblin barrels. Can also be a substitute for lumberjack if you want to do a trick play where you play lumberjack in the back and split push your dark prince and balloon on the other side. Spear Goblins: Great for baiting enemy tanks, killing balloons and resetting a sparkys charge Dark Prince: A defensive card capable of decent damage, serves as a tank to place directly behind most tanks while cards like spear goblins, lumberjack, and archers deal the most damage to the tank. They can also be used in conjunction with cards like dark prince and bandit to make a tower destroying push. Archers: Very defensive card but can also be great for little chip after a successful counter. Bandit: Makes for a good split push if the enemy wasted all of their elixir defending against your lumberloon, but is also very good against single squishy targets like wizard, executioner, and musketeer.

Also good for swarms and obviously against goblin barrel. The Log: Takes out/retargets cards like princess, magic archer, spear goblins, and princess to prevent damage to your balloon. He can also be used in smaller pushes as a source of quick damage and hes good for quickly draining the health of tanks for this reason. Deck Information Deck Created by: Aaron Minimum Recommended King Level: 1 Maximum Recommended King Level: 14 Arena Required: Serenity Peak (Wrong?) Average Elixir Cost: 3.3 (Wrong?) More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder Card Roles Balloon: This is your tower eliminator, obviously Lumberjack: Tanks for your balloon and just before your balloon reaches the tower, releases a rage and gives your balloon the ability to take the tower in seconds.