Eye traces - draw player eye traces (shows where player looks).Sentries, Drones, Cash, Cash Dufflebag, Pistol Case, Light Case, Heavy Case, Explosive Case, Tools Case, Full Armor, Armor, Helmet, Parachute, Briefcase, Tablet Upgrade, ExoJump, Ammobox, Radar Jammer.Flashbang, HE Grenade, Breach Charge, Bump Mine, Decoy Grenade, Molotov, TA Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Snowball.Cover - draw chams material on top of the original material instead of overriding itĮSP - show additional information about players and game world.Wireframe - render triangle mesh instead of solid material.Health based - color is based on player's hp.Time limit - limit the backtracking window Īllies, Enemies, Planting (player planting bomb), Defusing (player defusing bomb), Local player, Weapons (dropped weapons), C4, Planted C4, Chickens, Defuse kits, Projectiles, Hostages, Ragdolls / All, Visible, Occluded.Shot delay - delay time in ms (milliseconds)īacktrack - abuse lag compensation in order to move players back in time.Hitgroup - body parts on which triggerbot works.Scoped only - triggerbot works only when using scope (applies only to sniper rifles).On key - triggerbot works only when chosen key is being held.Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy Max aim inaccuracy - maximum weapon inaccuracy allowing aimbot to run, lowering this value will e.g.Smooth - smooth aimbot movement in order to seem more human-like.Fov - field-of-view which aimbot operates.Auto scope - automatically scopes sniper rifle before shooting.Auto shot - shoot automatically when target found.Scoped only - aimbot works only when using scope (applies only to sniper rifles).Visible only - aim only on visible players.Friendly fire - treat allies as enemies.Silent - aimbot is not visible on your screen (client-sided only).Aimlock - brings your aim to the target (affected by Smooth).On key - aimbot works only when chosen key is being held.Config - JSON-based configuration system.Style - select menu window layout and colors.Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects.

Inventory Changer - add weapon skins, stickers, knives, gloves, medals and more to your in-game inventory.Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles.Chams - color player models to improve visibility.Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time.Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy.Compatible with the Steam version of the game. Designed as an internal cheat - Dynamic-link library (DLL) loadable into game process. Free open-source cross-platform cheat software for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive game.